Valentin Teodosiu

Valentin Teodosius bio & filmography

Valentin Teodosius bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Valentin Teodosiu filmography rating is 7.1/10 on average

Valentin Teodosiu

Ημ. γέννησης: 17/09/1953

Τόπος γέννησης: Romania

Βαθμολογία: 7.1/10


Valentin Teodosiu, 70 ετών, γεννήθηκε στις 17/09/1953 στο Romania. Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Assassination Games (2011) ως Blanchard, το Le concert (The concert) (2009) ως Leonid Vinitchenko & το Silent Wedding (Nunta muta) (2008) ως Grigore Aschie. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν ο ηθοποιός Andrei Finti.

- Hottest movies of Valentin Teodosiu

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Lady of Csejte (2015) as Bear

Live (2015) as Banita

Vineri Seara (2014) as The assasin father

Mamaia (2013) as Tanase

Ultimul Corupt din Romania (2012) as Claudiu Vitelaru

...Mama ei de tranzitie!?! (2012) as Tanase

Assassination Games (2011) as Blanchard

Suicide Me! (2011) as Assasin Father

Umilinta (2011) as Politist

Made in Romania (2010) as Dragos Ionescu

Poker (2010) as Claudiu

Daca bobul nu moare (2010) as Sumski

La bani, la cap, la oase (2010) as Ivan Kazakov

Le concert (The concert) (2009) as Leonid Vinitchenko

Ho Ho Ho (2009) as Vandame

Silent Wedding (Nunta muta) (2008) as Grigore Aschie

Beyond America (2008) as Stan

Vine politia! (2008) as Albastroiu

The Detonator (2006) as Czeslaw

Pacala se intoarce (2006) as Raspopitul

Sistemul nervos (2005) as Nea Cioaca

15 (2005) as Nea Cioaca

Raport despre starea natiunii (2004) as Domnul

My Name Is Modesty: A Modesty Blaise Adventure (2004) as Henri Louche

Method (2004) as Burly

Orient Express (2004) as Vasile Gardescu

Italiencele (2004) as Police officer

Alone Versus Myself (2003) as Butoi

Amen. (2002) as Hirt

Break of Dawn (2002) as Stanescu

Tandretea lacustelor (2002) as Macelaru

Canned Family (2001) as Hirt

The Famous Paparazzo (1999) as Hirt

The Death Triangle (1999) as Hirt

The Crazy Stranger (1997) as Le Secretaire de Mairie / Denech

Nekro (1997) as Lt Ducariu

Asphalt Tango (1996) as Le Secretaire de Mairie / Denech

A reszleg (1995) as Le Secretaire de Mairie / Denech

Nobody's Children (1994) as Dragan

Soapte de amor (1994) as Le Secretaire de Mairie / Denech

Patul conjugal (1993) as Dragan

Sundays on Leave (1993) as Jean

Innebunesc si-mi pare rau (1992) as Jean

Undeva in Est (1991) as Jean

Sobolanii rosii (1990) as Jean

Drumet in calea lupilor (1988) as Nicolae Iorga

Zloty pociag (1986) as Nicolae Iorga

Lisca (1986) as Nicolae Iorga

Secretul lui Nemesis (1985) as Nicolae Iorga

Misterele Bucurestilor (1983) as Boierul caruia i se taie pomul

Santaj (1982) as Boierul caruia i se taie pomul

Ion: Blestemul pamintului, blestemul iubirii (1981) as Gheorghe

The Sign of the Serpent (1981) as Gheorghe

Aurel Vlaicu (1977) as Gheorghe

Cuibul salamandrelor (1977) as Gheorghe