Marco Pancrazis bio & filmography
Ύψος: 178m
Βαθμολογία: 5.5/10
Marco Pancrazi - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Non mi Uccidere (2021) ως Benandante (Mansarda), το Rose Island (2020) ως Bruno Spaggiari, το The Best Years (Gli Anni Piu Belli) (2020) ως Ragazzo Vespa 2, το Made in Italy (2018) ως Poliziotto giovane & το Bent (2018) ως Gunman. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Maurizio Lombardi, Rinat Khismatouline, Bruno Bilotta, Vincent Riotta, Adriano Chiaramida, Francesco Colella & Douglas Dean.
(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)
Non mi Uccidere (2021) as Benandante (Mansarda)
The Best Years (Gli Anni Piu Belli) (2020) as Ragazzo Vespa 2
Rose Island (2020) as Bruno Spaggiari
The Name of the Rose (TV series) as Leader of the Soldiers
The Name of the Rose (2019) as Leader of the Soldiers
Tutti sanno tutto (2019) as Iacobelli
Bent (2018) as Gunman
Made in Italy (2018) as Poliziotto giovane
Medici: The Magnificent (TV series) as First Rider
My Brilliant Friend (TV series) as Canottiere 3
Una vita spericolata (2018) as Uomo di Castiglioni
My Brilliant Friend (2018) as Canottiere 3
Medici: Masters of Florence - The Magnificent (2018) as First Rider
Ugly Nasty People (2017) as Poliziotto 1
Smetto quando voglio: Masterclass (2017) as Secondo uomo Mercurio
I Can Quit Whenever I Want: Ad Honorem (2017) as Secondo uomo Mercurio
1993 (2017) as Guardia del Corpo: Bettino Craxi
Sotto copertura: La cattura di Zagaria (2017) as Ragazzo Discoteca
Inferno Dantesco Animato (2017) as Male Demon
Medici: Masters of Florence (TV series) as Corona's Servant
Don Matteo (2016) as Paolo Ravasio
U.N.I.F.A. (2016) as Marco Blasi
Option Zero (2016) as Sergei
Il Ragazzo Della Giudecca (2016) as Figlio di Salvatore
Halfway on Earth (2016) as Joel
Complimenti per la connessione (2016) as Cameriere
Murder, Inc. - Pilot (2015) as Marcus
The Composition (2014) as Alpha
Tender Eyes (2014) as Jonah
Hot Box (2014) as Giuseppe
Hotel Secrets & Legends (2014) as Player 2 / Safecracker
Dante's Hell Animated (2013) as Male Demon
The Violent World of Parker (2013) as Nikoli - Russian Gangester
It's Temporary (2013) as Armando
The Ushers: A Dark Tale of a Bright Night (2013) as Nikoli - Russian Gangester
In Fine Feather (2013) as Ed Marlina
A.C.A.B. (2012) as Celerino Stadio
Ne con te ne senza di te (2012) as Pierre Latilles
Hope (2012) as Jaco
Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought (2012) as Painter
Il commissario Rex (TV series) as Simone Pasini
Inspector Montalbano (2011) as Petit / Beach boy
Zen (2011) as Police Officer
Il segreto dell'acqua (2011) as Piromane
Inside (2011) as Marco
Gunes (2011) as Runner
Sulla soglia dell'amore (2011) as Matteo
Eva (2011) as Professor
The Labyrinth (2011) as Francis Tucker
It May Be Love But It Doesn't Show (2011) as Waiter
Kali Yuga (2011) as Politician
Il peccato e la vergogna (2010) as German soldier
Rome in Love (2010) as Driving Instructor
Miracle at St. Anna (2008) as Sniper
Rome (TV series) as Roman Soldier
Black Arrow (2006) as Soldato Giovane
Gente di mare (2005) as Pescatore
Padre Nostro (2005) as Terrorista 3