Drew Davises bio & filmography
Ύψος: 145m
Βαθμολογία: 6.7/10
Drew Davis - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Feel the Beat (2020) ως R.J., το Coda (2019) ως Daniel, το Born to Be Blue (2015) ως Beau, το Orphan Black (TV series) ως Oscar Hendrix & το Jesus Henry Christ (2012) ως Young Henry's Classmate. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν ο σκηνοθέτης Elissa Down, ο σεναριογράφος Dennis Lee και οι ηθοποιοί Kevin Hanchard, Millie Davis, Eugene Clark, Aaron Abrams & Andy Garcia.
(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)
Feel the Beat (2020) as R.J.
Coda (2019) as Daniel
Born to Be Blue (2015) as Beau
PAW Patrol (2015) as Marshall
Orphan Black (TV series) as Oscar Hendrix
Cracked (2013) as Liam Byrne
Doozers (2013) as Tag
Bunks (2013) as Grinsberg
The Last Halloween (2013) as Little Grim Reaper
A Dark Truth (The Truth) (2012) as Jesus Francis
Jesus Henry Christ (2012) as Young Henry's Classmate
Max & Ruby (2012) as Max
Max and Ruby V (53-78) Web: Bunny Make Believe (2012) as Max
Max and Ruby V (53-78) Web: Roller Ruby (2012) as Max
Max and Ruby V (53-78) Web: Speedy Max (2012) as Max
Max & Ruby, V (53-78) Mobile: Max & Ruby's Bunny Hop (2012) as Max
Max and Ruby V (53-78) Web: Max's Mole Mash (2012) as Max
The Strange and Eerie Memoirs of Billy Wuthergloom (2012) as Boker
Taken from Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story (2011) as Kobe
Befriend and Betray (2011) as Andy McQuarrie
Rookie Blue (TV series) as Leo Nash