Dong-geon Lee

Dong-geon Lees bio & filmography

Dong-geon Lees bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Dong-geon Lee filmography rating is 7.2/10 on average

Dong-geon Lee

Ύψος: 183m

Βαθμολογία: 7.2/10


Dong-geon Lee - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Celebrity (Selleobeuriti) (TV series) ως Jin Tae-jeon unknown episodes, το Where Stars Land (Yeowoogakshibyeol) (TV series) ως Seo In-woo & το Seven Day Queen (TV series) ως King Yeonsangun. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Goo Shin & Ae-ri Jung.

- Hottest movies of Dong-geon Lee

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Celebrity (Selleobeuriti) (TV series) as Jin Tae-jeon unknown episodes

Angel's Last Mission: Love (2019) as Ji Kang Woo

Rebeoriji: Sagijojakdan (2019) as Lee Tae-Joon

Where Stars Land (Yeowoogakshibyeol) (TV series) as Seo In-woo

Sketch (2018) as Kim Do-jin

Seven Day Queen (TV series) as King Yeonsangun

Seven Day Queen (2017) as King Yeonsangun

Aegean Love (2016) as Chris

Laurel Tree Tailors (2016) as Lee Dong-jin

Super Daddy Yeol (2015) as Han Yeol

Marry Him If You Dare (2013) as Kim Shin

Night After Night (2008) as Kim Beom-sang, Ancient art expert

When It's at Night (2008) as Kim Beom Sang

Love Now (2007) as Park Young-jun

If in Love... Like Them (2007) as Jung Tae

Smile Again (2006) as Ban Ha Jin

My Boyfriend Is Type-B (2005) as Young-bin

Paris ei yeonin (2004) as Soo-Hyuk Yoon

Sweet 18 (2004) as Kwon Hyuk-joon

Stained Glass (2004) as Han Dong-joo / Yuichi Yamamoto

Sangdoo, Let's Go to School! (2003) as Kang, Min-suk

Friends (2002) as Park Kyung Joo

Family (2002) as Ha Yeong-cheol

Ruler of Your Own World (2002) as Dong-Jin Han