David Brandons bio & filmography
Βαθμολογία: 6.5/10
David Brandon - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το The Name of the Rose (TV series) ως Hugh of Newcastle, το Ricordi? (2018) ως Lei's father, το Neverlake (2013) ως Dr. Brook & το Brivido giallo (TV series) ως Carlo. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Serena Grandi, Sabrina Ferilli, Raoul Bova, Urbano Barberini & Bruno Bilotta.
(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)
The Name of the Rose (TV series) as Hugh of Newcastle
Ricordi? (2018) as Lei's father
Neverlake (2013) as Dr. Brook
Cenerentola (2011) as Jack
La strada di Paolo (2011) as Malato
L'affare Bonnard (2010) as Lorenzo
Intelligence - Servizi & segreti (2009) as Lorenzo
Rino Gaetano - Ma il cielo e sempre piu blu (2008) as Direttore RCA
Aldo Moro - Il presidente (2008) as L'americano
Nassiryia - Per non dimenticare (2007) as Direttore RCA
Guinea Pig (2006) as Gary Slack
Francesco (2002) as Gary Slack
Scarlet Diva (2000) as Director
Titanic: The Legend Goes On... (2000) as Stockard
La casa delle beffe (2000) as Stockard
Mashamal - ritorno al deserto (1998) as John Anton
Witness Run (1996) as Gary Sheppard
La strana storia di Olga 'O' (1995) as Paolo Roli
Il barone (1995) as Kohler
The Maharaja's Daughter (1994) as Ashoka
18000 giorni fa (1993) as Max
E quando lei mori fu lutto nazionale (1993) as Max
Mean Tricks (1992) as Jimmy Gandelman
Un orso chiamato Arturo (1992) as Jimmy Gandelman
Il muro di gomma (1991) as Donald
Naufraghi sotto costa (1991) as Antonio
Hunt for the Golden Scorpion (1991) as Tom Maitland
La stanza delle parole (1990) as Henry
Beyond Darkness (1990) as Father George
Mal d'Africa (1990) as Jagger
Casablanca Express (1989) as Jason Lloyd
Oggi ho vinto anch'io (1989) as Jagger
Sindrome veneziana (1989) as Paolo
Musica per vecchi animali (1989) as Maresciallo
Modi (1989) as Pablo Picasso
Don't Wait Up (1988) as Lorry Driver
High Frequency (1988) as The Spy
The Prince of Terror (1988) as Paul Hilary
Sei delitti per padre Brown (1988) as Lorry Driver
Brivido giallo (TV series) as Carlo
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights (1987) as Peter
StageFright: Aquarius (1987) as Peter
Cartoline italiane (1987) as Vittorio
Delirium (1987) as Roberto
Good morning Babilonia (1987) as Grass, Griffith's Production Manager
Warrior Queen (1987) as Victo
Una donna senza nome (1987) as Lester
Turno di notte (1987) as Vittorio
Brivido giallo (1987) as Carlo
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1985) as Demetrius
A.D. (1985) as Petronius
The Assisi Underground (1985) as English Officer #2
Prima del futuro (1985) as Victo
The Blade Master (1984) as Zor
The Naked Sun (1984) as Luca Adami
La bella Otero (1984) as Piriewsky
The Scarlet and the Black (1983) as SS Officer
The Emperor Caligula: The Untold Story (1982) as Caligula
She (1982) as Pretty Boy
Malamore (1982) as Maggiore Banfield
The Lost City (1982) as SS Officer
Jubilee (1978) as Ariel